Ok, so the documentation on automatically importing updated suppliers price lists into QuoteWerks is a little hard to understand. I needed a way to get Ingram Micro (Australian), Dicker Data and Leader computers automatically importing. The process took a little fine tuning, but i now have it.
The 1st step is to save the import templates for each supplier. Once they are working as they should be, I.E. press on it, click next lots, then you are ready to move on…
i have these 3 scripts
net use q: servershare
–no-check-certificate https://www.dickerdata.com.au/STK/stkfiles/datafeeds.mc “-OservershareQuoteWerksImport folderdatafeeds.csv”
Q:QuoteWerksqw4.exe /u:administrator /p:Password /i:”q:QuoteWerksDickerDate import.pit” /notify:”user“,1 /exit
net use q: servershare
http://www.ingrammicro.com.au/pricelists/tld/pgstd.zip “-O172.27.72.105CommonQuoteWerksImport folderpgstd.zip”
net use q: servershare
cd “Q:QuoteWerksImport folder”
WinRAR e pgstd.zip *.tld -oQ:QuoteWerksqw4.exe /u:administrator /p:Password /i:”q:QuoteWerksingram micro.pit” /notify:”User“,1 /exit
net use q: servershare
–no-check-certificate http://www4.leadersystems.com.au/Download/Download.aspx?ID=10001 “-OservershareQuoteWerksImport folderleader.xls“
del “Q:QuoteWerksImport folderleadercsv.csv“
convert-xls-csv.vbs “Q:QuoteWerksImport folderleader.xls” “Q:QuoteWerksImport folderleadercsv.csv“
Q:QuoteWerksqw4.exe /u:administrator /p:Password /i:q:QuoteWerksLeader.pit /notify:”User“,1 /exit
There is also the convert XLS to CSV script
if WScript.Arguments.Count < 2 Then
WScript.Echo “Error! Please specify the source path and the destination. Usage: XlsToCsv SourcePath.xls Destination.csv”
End If
Dim oExcel
Set oExcel = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)
Dim oBook
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(Wscript.Arguments.Item(0))
oBook.SaveAs WScript.Arguments.Item(1), 6
oBook.Close False
This script is needed by the Leader script as it downloads in an XLS format.
You also need to find a copy of WGET, i cant remember where i found it, but it wasnt too hard.
You also need WinRAR installed and working for the Ingram Micro script. This allows you to export the file from the ZIP
Save the each of the 3 into their own bat files, then make a task calling each of the three.
This will ONLY work when there is a user logged on and unlocked, so i have it running on the console of our terminal server, set that to Autologon, then run the importers 15 min after the weekly reboot. It works a treat
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recently brought quoteWerks… as IT reseller, was manually importing the feds from Distris. came across you blog.. Fantastic… yet have to test it, but it looks promising..
Only too happy to help.
Let me know if you have any problems. It was all written in the WEE hours of the night.
have you tried quoteWerks with Myob??
Nope. We have it into QuickBooks. We are not a big enough place to need the PO intergration.
worked perfectly, i have to edit the pit file to correspond to the location i was downloading (being different location from 1st import)
Did you have experience with import from synnex Australia?
We dont use Synnex, but if you can get a CSV or some kind of date from them, then you can automate it.
there is no option from synnex or Avnet online.. to download database!
i’ll keep on searching.. thanks.