The final script i needed to get all emails addresses out there was for 2003, google helped me.
With help from i managed to get the script working.
The final script i needed to get all emails addresses out there was for 2003, google helped me.
With help from i managed to get the script working.
On Terminal server, with re-directed printers setting the printer more often than not goes to the wrong one.
The simple solution is this VBS Script. Placed in the users Startup folder, it maps the default printer to the one named.
Simply name the local printer
Option Explicit
Dim objPrinter
Set objPrinter = CreateObject(“WScript.Network”)
objPrinter.SetDefaultPrinter “serverprinter name“
Sometimes this needs to be ran twice, but 99% of the time its happy.
On Terminal server, with re-directed printers setting the printer more often than not goes to the wrong one.
The simple solution is this VBS Script. Placed in the users Startup folder, it maps the default printer to the one named.
We noticed that we had let some clients server slip through the cracks in replacing.
For us, all servers are replaced in 3 years.
So the script View full article »
Just an updated script to check on version 6 products or the latest V5 build
I needed a nice easy script to output the version number of Exchange 2007 to i can see what Server Pack is installed
With the release of GFIMax agent V8.5 i wanted to test it, but don’t have the time to log on and install. So i made a script.
Download the agent agent_8_5_0.exe Save it 2 your web server, edit the script, save as VBS, away you go.
This is my VBS script to automatically download, install and run a spybot scan.
IT, checks to see if c:spybotspybotsd.exe exists, if not, it then downloads it from the URL
Then updates and scans.
If it does exist, then it updates and scans.
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Here is another checking script. Will create error in dashboard if version number is not correct. Once a new version comes out, all you need to do is know the build numbers. Updating a machine, then running it on there will get it for you.
You will need to edit these build numbers, and the text for the latest versions. I have also notices that the main build doen’t change when you apply a hot fix, i will look into this later on to see where that get saved
I have created a VBS script that will read from the system registry a products version number.
The 1st part detects what operating system you are using 64bit or 32bit, then assigns the strings as needed.
the 2nd part reads the keys, then depending on the output, will output the different results.