I have had a few servers that crap out on installing Exchange server 2007 SP3. After a bit of trial and error, i have worked out what services i need to kill, and how to fix it all when it breaks

Start by stopping the GFI Advanved monitoring Agent

Then Trend SMEX There is 3 of these

Then Windows SBS Manager

Then go for it.

But if it stops during the install, all the exchange services are disbaled. To get the installing going again, you need to enable them all, then start them all. One server done this 9 times Then when another one done it too, i knew i needed a script. I had been working today with managing services, so it was an easy fix. Find below

sc config “MSExchangeADTopology” start= auto
sc start MSExchangeADTopology

sc config “MSExchangeAntispamUpdate” start= auto
sc start “MSExchangeAntispamUpdate”

sc config “MSExchangeEdgeSync” start= auto
sc start “MSExchangeEdgeSync”

sc config “MSExchangeFDS” start= auto
sc start “MSExchangeFDS”

sc config “MSExchangeIS” start= auto
sc start “MSExchangeIS”

sc config “MSExchangeMailSubmission” start= auto
sc start “MSExchangeMailSubmission”

sc config “MSExchangeMailboxAssistants” start= auto
sc start “MSExchangeMailboxAssistants”

sc config “MSExchangeMonitoring” start= auto
sc start “MSExchangeMonitoring”

sc config “MSExchangeRepl” start= auto
sc start “MSExchangeRepl”

sc config “MSExchangeSearch” start= auto
sc start “MSExchangeSearch”

sc config “wsbexchange” start= auto
sc start “wsbexchange”

sc config “MSExchangeServiceHost” start= auto
sc start “MSExchangeServiceHost”

sc config “MSExchangeSA” start= auto
sc start “MSExchangeSA”

sc config “MSExchangeTransport” start= auto
sc start “MSExchangeTransport”

sc config “MSExchangeTransportLogSearch” start= auto
sc start “MSExchangeTransportLogSearch”

sc config “IISADMIN” start= auto
sc start “IISADMIN”

sc config “RemoteRegistry” start= auto
sc start “RemoteRegistry”

sc config “W3SVC” start= auto
sc start “W3SVC”

Save as a BAT file.

This will start any services that have been disabled during the install (not POP or IMAP tho, i left them off) and it will make your update faster if there are problems

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